Be the captain!
Be the captain you've always wanted to be. It's your time to plan an adventure to challenge Scouts, Venturers, Rovers, and Girl Guides. Let's strive for Gold, for here anything is (im)possible.
Base Staff : We Need You!
Mission Impossible is a team Rogaining, skill and initiative competition event for scouts (14+), venturers and rovers where Patrols navigate their way through the bush to various checkpoints and bases. There they compete in challenges to earn their team more points. But for our wonderful event to run, we need amazing people to staff these bases! If you would like to be involved in running a base this year, we want to hear from you. Register your interest to run a base by following the button below.
If you've got an idea for a base but aren't quite ready to register, then fill out our Base Runner EOI and we can help you get going!
Once you're ready to go, you can register on MyScout with your team.
Not a member? No worries, you'll just need to complete and return our A9 Form to be involved.
For more information you can contact our Activities team by emailing them at
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Mission Impossible?Mission Impossible started more than 20 years ago, with Mission Impossible 1 - Spy vs. Spy. Since then we have seen mission after mission with each one more impossible than the last. But what's actually involved? At the core, Mission Impossible is a rogaining event. Rogaining is an orienteering sport of long-distance cross-country navigation, involving both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a variety of map types. In a rogaine, teams choose which checkpoints to visit within a time limit with the intent of maximising their score. Teamwork, endurance, competition, and an appreciation for the natural environment are features of the sport. But there is so much more than just navigation. It's not just about getting to the checkpoints, once you're there you will find a challenge that your team needs to complete. Great teamwork, problem-solving, and team spirit will earn your team extra points, and points are important because the team with the most points will earn their place on the Mission Impossible Shield, and will go down in Scouting history as the winners of Mission Impossible 18 - Olympia.
When is Mission Impossible?Our date is TBA, but we'll let you know as soon as we can! The event starts Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon.
Who can attend Mission Impossible?Participants can be 14-25 year old Scouts, Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts, or Girl Guides. Scouts need to have achieved Milestone 1 and Stage 3 in the Core Outdoor Adventure Skills, and have Section Leader approval. Base Staff can be over 18 members of Girl Guides and Scouts WA. Adults (leaders or helpers) from any section can attend, granted they have a Working With Children Card.
What do Base Staff do?Base staff make Mission Impossible what it is! Bases are spread throughout the bush, running challenges that test the participants in the areas of team work, planning, attitude and execution. Attending as base staff is a great way to spend a weekend away camping with your closest Scouting friends!
Where is MI / How can I get there?We're keeping this one secret for now, but we'll let you know soon.
Payments and Registrations:Registrations will be open soon, and are made through ScoutMap. Participant fee - Will be announced when registrations open! Base Staff fee - this year our base staff can attend the event for free, that's right $0 If you are not a Scouts WA member, you will need to complete a different type of registration. More info on this can be found on the Participants and Base Staff pages. Please note - there are no late registrations accepted
Creating/Joining a Team:Teams can be made up of multiple units and sections (and bonus points are awarded for mixing Scouts/Venturers/Rovers/Guides) If you are mixing teams within age sections there must be a minimum of 2 over 18 members /2 under 18 members - for Child Protection Policy reasons. A leader is NOT required to register for each time. If you want to register but haven't found a team yet, don't worry! You can still register, and we're happy to help you find a team. Email mi.activities@warovers.com.au for more info. Registration and teams will be managed through ScoutMap. Once registrations open, we'll provide more details on this.
I've registered and paid - but now I can't attend...can I get a refund?Sorry! It is a general event policy of Scouts WA that refunds are not permitted. If you can no longer attend due to COVID-19, please email events@scoutswa.com.au
Where will participants camp?All participants will camp onsite at VROC (Venturer/Rover Overnight Campsite). No camping will be permitted outside this designated area. Standard accomodation rules apply - females and males are required to sleep in different tents - as well as under 18 and over 18 year olds, regardless of gender.
What facilities are there on site?There will be water and toilets available to all participants.
What equipment will I need?Once you get to the site and sign in the first part of the event is to do a short hike into where you will be camping, so it is important that you can carry everything that you bring in a backpack. Here is a guide to the things you will need to bring. Camping & hiking gear: A tent for you or to share (depending on the makeup of your team) Your bedding Cooking equipment Good footwear First aid kit A torch Navigation equipment (compass, map holder, pencil, and anything else you might need) We will provide you with some maps. Personal Items: Clothing appropriate for hiking and the weather Your team costumes/s Hygiene stuff (there won't be showers, but that doesn't mean you need to be gross) Any medication you require Food for: Friday dinner (you may choose to get dinner on the way) Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner Sunday breakfast, and lunch Snacks for the weekend Plenty of water Don't forget that if you need to cook it, you will need cooking equipment. Remember, you will need to carry everything in on Friday night. When you are out on the course your team will also need to have with them 1 tent, 1 sleeping bag, and 1 first aid kit.
What food do I need to bring?This event is not catered! It is recommended you bring: Snacks for the whole weekend (fruit, muesli bars, hiking mix etc are all great ideas) Friday: Having dinner before coming to site is recommended Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch. You should discuss with your team if you want to cater individually or as a team. You should also discuss if you want to return to camp to prepare lunch, or have lunch out on the course. If you have lunch on the course, then your team may need to carry cooking equipment.
What do I need to carry?Everything you bring you will need to carry in to site. this includes the tent and bedding you will use for the weekend. While hiking during the day - you will be required to carry a day pack. Within the team we require that you carry at least one tent, one first aid kit and at least one sleeping bag (this could be one you use to camp in, or you can bring along an extra one). All participants will be required to carry spare water, a change of clothes and rainwear. Don't forget to carry you food for the day as well! Remember - you will need to hike in and out with all of your equipment - including tents, cooking equipment and bedding - so remember to pack light! If your team want to camp in one tent, and the tent is too large to carry, then let us know on check-in. we will arrange getting the tent from check in to VROC.